Let the children come to Me and do not hinder them for such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven
(St. Matthew 19:14)

At All Saints, children are a treasured part of our church community and encouraged to participate as fully as possible in the life of the church from the earliest ages. Part of that journey includes our church school program. All children are welcome at all of the services at All Saints. Beginning at age 3, children are also invited to join our church school program. Church school is a wonderful opportunity for your child to learn about the Orthodox faith and grow in fellowship with his or her Orthodox peers. But church school should not be your child’s only religious education!

The Orthodox faith is a lived faith! Our school age curriculum is intended to compliment the religious education that is already happening in services and in your home. We pray that parents, as much as they are able, will take an active role in their child’s religious education. Bringing your children to services regularly and frequently, praying at home regularly and frequently and talking to your children regularly and frequently about church and Feast Days as well as what to expect at services are a wonderful start. Our intention is to support your efforts at home with lessons that are age appropriate and engaging.