Additional Church Ministries

Young Adults
The ministry is a great way for young adults 18 and up to get together for fellowship and community. Outings and events are regularly scheduled.

Flower Ministry
Beauty plays a major role in the Orthodox Church and one of the many ways we do this is with flower arrangements for our church, nave, and icons.

Prosphora Ministry
We use leavened bread for our communion sacrament and the prosphora plays a key role with careful preparation and prayer.

Choir Ministry
Our choir provides the music for our liturgical services.

St. John The Merciful
(All Saints Chapter)
All Saints has a chapter of Saint John The Merciful that helps with outreach, community service, and aid for the needy. See the offical St. John The Merciful website for more.

Kid's Korner
Kid's Korner is a great way to engage our youth with fun activities and learning opportunities centered around the relevant feast days and events within the church.

All Saints Bookstore
The All Saints bookstore provides a means for our parishoner's, inquirers, and visitors to access Orthodox books, Icons, gifts, candles, and more. Located in our parish hall. Open after Liturgy.

As the first person most visitors meet at All Saints, our greeters are a vital part of our church to ensure everyone feels welcome and comfortable when they come to All Saints.

The All Saint's sewing ministry gets together to generate a number of beautiful sewn garments and liturgical items for our parish. Currenly headed by Andrea Haynes and Jing Davison.

Our knitting ministry meets can enjoys fellowship and a love of crafting to create beautiful knitted garments for newborns, the infirmed, and anyone in need. Current headed by Cheryl Christopolus.